Straight Hexapod Robot




This is 20 DOF Straight  Hexapod Robot constructed using Aluminum 2 mm Thickness Laser-cut Chassis  and Standard servo bracket set all manufactured by Danuc Robotics India.All 20 Motors used are double ball bearing metal gear 15 kg-cm torque standard size servo motors. controller used is standard Arduino Mega 2560 sandwiched upon with servo controller board with on board DC – DC controller and operable with 30 cell Lithium Polymer battery which is sold with the Robot.It is also good for Robot fight competitions,since it can be programmed to do any sort of actions with Inverse Kinematics code.It has on-board Inertial measurement sensors which are usable with the code.

This KIT  contains:

1) Fully assembled 2mm Thickness Robot Chassis with 50mm studs  – 1 set

2)Lipo 30 Cell Battery.

3)Complete Servo Erector set for 6 legs.

4)Arduino Mega 2560 Robot Controller – 1 no.

5)Servo Controller Shield sandwiched on top of Arduino Mega 2560  -1 no

6)Battery Charger included  -1no

7)Ultrasonic Range Finder mounted on Tilt and Pan Mechanism -1 Set.

8)IK Based Fully Tested Software